Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Decline and Fall of Block Buster

"The End of Late Fees" was what I was promised. I rejoiced with the others who were dancing in the streets (at least on the commercial). But alas that promise was soon broken. I am talking about Blockbusters response to the competitiveness of Netflix and other online video rental options, now over 2 years ago. The media campaign was sensational, the end of late fees was the promise of a new era in video rentals but soon the catch phrase for a late movie was a "restocking fee". "I am curious," I asked the clerk, "aren't I being charged for returning a movie late?" "No Sir," replied the minion with a grin, "this is a restocking fee." I fought this for several months with local management only to get my Christmas gift card docked the fee. And that was the last day I have stepped foot in blockbuster a little over 1 year ago.
Unfortunately in an era when major corporations lack integrity to gain the competitive edge we, everyday consumers, have lost our voice. It's our fault however. Slowly one by one we moved away from the local mom and pop video stands towards the convenience of larger selection and cheaper prices. We gave the power to Blockbuster (or as I have referred to them, "the Beast") and now that power has turned on us, and we let them get away with going back on their word because we care more about saving a few bucks than honor.
Well I say no more!
I switched this year to Netflix for $4.99 a month and, for the impulse rental, Safeway. This hasn't been easy, because I too have been tempted, it has been difficult for this past year when I am paying the $4 late fee, but yet Safeway never promised me "no more late fees". So readers, I call you to rise up!
I believe it was Sir Winston Churchill who said, "
“Never give in, never give in, never; never; never; never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense”
Unfortunately we are not just talking videos here but values, honor, integrity for how business, and even everyday life is to be managed. By continuing to pander to the consumer slavery, we are subjected to the mercy of those who are only concerned with what I buy from them and not how they should conduct good honest work. And so we begin with small battles, and only then can large wars be won. It will take resolve, it will be inconvenient, it will be hard, but it is right and it is good.
So rise up, cut up your blockbuster cards and drop them off at your local blockbuster in protest of this injustice, this act of villainy! Today make your voice heard. I will leave this rant with the words of President Theodore Roosevelt:
“The things that will destroy America are prosperity at any price, peace at any price, safety first instead of duty first and love of soft living and the get-rich-quick theory of life.”


Unknown said...

well...where's the story? I want out of Blockbuster, too. Convince me.

The Blaske Bunch said...

Sean Rocketh....
what more can I say?!?
-the lil b

Matt Cole said...

It's ironic that the ones who seem to best be achieving Blockbuster's "no more late fees" mission is Netflix.

This is something that I truly believe Blockbuster will pay for. A colossal mistake on their part. Companies that break simple promises don't easily recover.

On a side note, sans your Churchill and Roosevelt quotes, this sounded a lot like a Marxist call to arms! :)

Keep bringing the stories. I want more!

The Princess said...

I too have dropped my membership to Blockbuster and switched to Netflix because Blockbuster charged my $65! for one DVD because it was part of a set. (Even though I returned the DVD, apparently I was "too late" and they wouldn't give me the set, just the 1 DVD, even though I had to pay for the set.) 3 phone calls and 2 hours later I was no longer a customer...rock on Netflix!